quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011


Latin is just some of what English, Spanish and Gospel have in common. Enjoy and praise the Lord.

Aleluya, Aleluya Alleluia, Alleluia
Nuestro Dios poderoso es rey For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Aleluya, Aleluya Alleluia, Alleluia
Santo, Santo Holy, Holy
El Señor Dios poderoso Holy are You Lord God Almighty
Digno eres Tú, Digno eres Tú, Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
Tu Eres Santo, Santo You are holy
El Señor Dios poderoso Holy are You Lord God Almighty
Digno eres Tú, Digno eres Tú, Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
Amén. Amen

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